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young artists


The team of artistic collaborators works annually with more than 120 young artists who work daily as artistic supervisors or artistic supporters in various neighborhoods of Antwerp, Brussels and Ghent.


During school vacations in intensive tracks.
During weekly activities, after school hours.

can participate if you...

  • have completed an artistic education, are still following one or would like to start one
  • want to experiment with materials and techniques and/or
  • want to work with art and technology (virtual spaces, AI image generators, 3D scanning and digital sculptures)
  • Are interested in or have experience in guiding a group of children and/or teenagers and/or young people

what does das Kunst offer?

A great opportunity to experiment and meet young people with similar interests. You will be supported by artistic staff, who provide professional training as an artistic supervisor or support worker. And there is appropriate compensation tailored to your experience and commitment.


Do you recognize yourself in the above description? You can apply here as an artistic facilitator.


Do you have a passion for arts education and would like to intern at das Kunst, as part of your degree program? Email