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The world is changing and it is making itself felt. We can expect a hard decade: sputtering education systems, declining health care, potential pandemics, poverty in the West, climate refugees, mental challenges, ... the list is long.

Instead of being weighed down by the pressures such changes bring, we turn our eyes to the opportunities they present. As existing structures disappear, our society becomes increasingly open. New ideas are more easily accepted, adopted and expressed. It is our children, teenagers and young people who are at the helm of this new world. And das Kunst is giving them the tools to govern it.

With cooperation, imagination and adaptability, we teach them to be agile in the face of rapid change. That's what das Kunst is committed to. We give our children, teens and young adults a push to help shape the world of tomorrow. We systematically build knowledge and we pass it on to colleagues in the field. Out of the box arts education of the future is made accessible to all who want to learn.