knowledge building
Gufree I knowledge building and innovation in visual arts education
Art education in 2024 faces a number of new challenges, such as: the rapid rise of digital tools and technologies, reaching and responding to the needs of teenagers and young people, and making art education as inclusive as possible for different target groups. These are just a few examples from everyday practice.
das Kunst has been able to experiment with these challenges in recent years and is eager to share the results with fellow organizations. We believe that the step to the future can be made faster if we take it together, from our own strengths but inspired by each other.
We are therefore building a knowledge network in visual arts education. This network serves to share strategies and exchange experience around quality art education with, for example, innovative technologies, working with teenagers or working with a mix of target groups. In May 2024 we will launch this network with a presentation for boards and executives of art academies in Flanders. Based on the presentation in May, you can decide whether or not your academy wants to be part of the network. Inspiration sessions for teachers will follow in the fall, where we will go deeper into the specific challenges and practical solutions.
Where and when will the presentations take place?
- Antwerp (Rubenshuis) I Wednesday 8/05/24 - 10am to 12pm
- Brussels (Hoofdstedelijke kunstacademie) I Thursday 30/05/24 - 14h to 16h
- Ghent (Kunsthal) I Tuesday 14/05/24 - 10h to 12h
- Hasselt (Urban art education - Knst. beeld) I Friday 17/05/24 - 14h to 16h
- digital session online I Thursday 23/05/24 - 12h30 to 13h30
- additional digital session online I Thursday 13/06/24 - 12h30 to 13h30
Are you interested? You can register here. Participation is free.